Signage Modifications in Grand Reserve
Yorkville is considering possible signage modifications in Grande Reserve, based on the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) standard.
Grande Trail and American Way
• Add stop sign to American Way – south leg; currently a yield sign exists.
Grande Trail and Freedom Place
• Create three-way stop; currently a stop sign exists on the west leg.
Grande Trail and Justice Drive
• Create three-way stop; currently it is uncontrolled.
Grande Trail and McClellan Boulevard – North
• Add stop sign to McClellan – south leg; currently it is uncontrolled.
Grande Trail and McClellan Boulevard – South
• Create four-way stop; currently yields exist on the north and south legs.
Berrywood Lane and Seely Street
• Add stop sign to Seely – south leg; currently a stop sign exists on the north leg.
Grande Trail and Sunset Avenue
• Add stop sign to Sunset – west leg; currently a yield sign exists.